Street Cause GNI
Street Cause GNI
Street Cause is the largest student NGO in Hyderabad comprising of students intent on doing their bit for the betterment of society.Within a year from its inception in 2009, it has radically grown from being a local guild of adherents to the largest student NGO in Hyderabad. Our objectiveis to help the underprivileged, such as orphans, the elderly, the unemployed and the physically and mentally handicapped, to better their lives in any way possible. We also aim to educate and empower the youth into taking proper and timely action, so as to encompass a brighter tomorrow.We hope to give our nation’s youth voice, and a medium to channel their energy in the right direction.
For a better and bigger working of our motto, we have divisions in various colleges in Hyderabad, one among the divisions being “Street Cause GNI”.
After 2013, Street Cause GNI was reestablished on August 13th 2015 with a fresh team of 36,with members categorized into following departments
- Social Impact
- Education
- Women Empowerment
- Environment
- Old Age & Differently abled
With seven members in each department, Street Cause GNI has been uninterruptedly executing tasks every month and is continuing to create impact.

Report On Clean Nature & Clean Nation Campaign
As a part of our Environmental initiative the Scientists and Engineering Wing from Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan organized “Clean Nature-Clean Nation” Campaign for the students and faculty of I Year B.Tech on 17th December 2015 at GNI Campus. Sister B. K. Ruchita and Brother B. K. Dhananjay were the resource persons for the program. An assemblage of 150 students participated with great zeal, fervor and enthusiasm. Sister Ruchita dwelled on the vitality of inner and outer responsibility to maintain clean surroundings, simple living and high thinking. She inspired and created awareness among the participants about our ancient wisdom for environmental protection and sustainability of our mother nature and mother nation besides imparting simple techniques of meditation through videos and PPTs. Bro. Dhananjay directed and motivated the students in taking an oath to practice some values to save our nature and nation. The Program concluded with an invigorous and optimistic note.